On November 10, 2023 a ceremony took place at the Jefferson Library to formally acknowledge the addition of the collection to the the West Point archives. The occasion was also the 25th Reunion of the Class of 1998 for whom the collection is dedicated.

Associate Dean of the Libraries and Archives Christopher Barth observes one of the exhibit tables which have been artfully prepared by Exhibit Librarian Lisa Gomez
The Collection Acceptance Ceremony

Collector and author Ed Blomstedt stands beside one of the more unusual items in the collection. It is a board game, the Story of West Point, published in 1960. Many cadets and faculty have paused to study it and inquire if they might play the game. Alas, the librarian informed them it is not for circulation
Mr. Blomstedt subsequently acquired a second copy of the game and donated it to the library to be a "circulating" copy.

Class of 1998 graduate, and now Brigadier General, Sara Dudley designed the cover of Grip Hands Thru the Shadows. Ed Blomstedt is presenting her with a signed copy of the huge catalog.
Class of 1998 graduate and astronaut Frank Rubio, who recently returned from 320 days on the Space Station, thanked the author for his unique gift to West Point.

The author Ed Blomstedt describes how the collection was accumulated and how it came to be at West Point. On the left is the Grip Hands editor, Joyelle Soucier of Proof & Pen LLC. On the right is the publisher Jeff Blomstedt of Barton Cove Publishing, Gill MA.